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Utah Senate Democrats' Statement on the Passage of H.B. 467, Abortion Changes

For Immediate Release

March 2, 2023


Kennedie Starr

Minority Caucus Administrator | Utah Senate

385-831-4132 |

Utah Senate Democrats’ Statement Regarding the Passage of H.B. 467, Abortion Changes

SALT LAKE CITY – Today, the Utah Senate passed H.B. 467, Abortion Changes. This bill effectively bans all abortions in the state of Utah, leaving few exceptions for limited circumstances, including cases where a pregnant woman is faced with a very specific medical emergency and for victims of rape and incest, up to 18-weeks—including children under the age of 14. Additionally, the bill requires abortions to be performed in specific hospital settings, and it eliminates the licensing of all abortion clinics in Utah. All Senate Democrats voted in opposition and release the following statement:

“Our days in the Legislature to address the most pressing issues facing Utahns is limited—and once again—many of our colleagues have decided to recklessly spend time on restricting access to essential healthcare. H.B. 467 is effectively a ban on all abortions in the state of Utah and further restricts access to abortion by delicensing abortion clinics and forcing patients to seek care in hospital settings only. The unnecessary and dangerous burdens of this policy will weigh heavy on Utahns and will significantly strain our hospitals and providers. As Democrats, we are deeply troubled by the unwavering attacks on lifesaving care and resources in the state. All Utahns, including women, deserve compassionate, safe, and affordable healthcare. We urge our colleagues to redirect their policy aims to sincerely provide support to children, families, and individuals in Utah. All people have the inherent and inalienable right to enjoy and defend their lives and liberties—as lawmakers, our primary responsibility is to uphold these foundational principles outlined in the state’s Constitution.”



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