Week 2 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne
Senator Mayne had two town halls and a bill pass out of committee this week. SB 32 - Prisoner Offense Amendments modifies the list of offenses that qualify a prisoner serving a sentence for a capital or first degree felony to be sentenced to life in prison without parole. It passed the Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee on Wednesday. Her first town hall was with Representatives Karen Kwan and Elizabeth Weight in West Valley City on Wednesday evening, and her second town hall was alongside Representative Hutchings in Kearns.
Bill requests: 21
Bills in Senate:
SB 54 - Mobile Home Amendments
SB 32 1st Substitute - Prisoner Offense Amendments
In the news:
Senate Minority Whip Luz Escamilla
Senator Escamilla had her first bill of the session pass out of the Senate Transportation, Public Utilities, and Technology Standing Committee this week. SB 97 - Personal License Plate Amendments would allow the Motor Vehicle Division to refuse to issue a license plate if it is determined that the combination of letters and numbers disparages an individual or group of people based on certain protected classes. This bill is being run on behalf of the Administrative Rules Committee.
On Thursday morning, she also introduced the Boys & Girls Club 2020 State Youth of the Year Award Winner, Sheila Hernandez Salazar.
Bill requests: 8
Bills in Senate:
SB 97 - Personal License Plate Amendments
In the news:
Senate Minority Assistant Whip Jani Iwamoto
Senator Iwamoto had six bills pass out of their respective Senate committees this week. All six of these bills: SB 48, SB 22, SB 80, SJR 1, and SJR 2 will all be heard on the Senate floor for further consideration next week. In addition to this, on she wrapped up the week by celebrating her birthday on Friday!
Bill requests: 15
Bills in Senate:
SJR 6 - 1st Substitute - Joint Rules Resolution - Conflict of Interest Disclosure
SB 48 - Corrections Officer Certification Pilot Extension
SB 22 - American Indian-Alaska Native Related Amendments
SB 80 - Campus Safety Amendments
SJR 1 - Joint Resolution Supporting Coordination of Care for Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care Services
SB 42 - Ballot Security Amendments
SJR 2 - Joint Resolution Encouraging Action to Reduce the Number of Utah Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels
Bills passed out of Senate:
SB 26 - Water Banking Amendments
SB 47 - Public Document Signature Classification
SCR 2 - Concurrent Resolution Honoring Michael R. Styler
In the news:
Senate Minority Caucus Manager Derek Kitchen
Senator Kitchen had his Electric Energy Storage Tax Credit pass the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee this week. This bill would create a corporate and individual tax credit for the purchase of an electric storage asset. This would encourage individuals and businesses to pursue more environmentally friendly forms of energy usage.
Bill Requests: 5
Bills in the Senate: SB 74: Family Planning Services Amendments
SB 77: Electric Energy Storage Tax Credit
Senator Gene Davis
This week, Senator Davis had his Circuit Breaker Amendments bill (SB 35) pass the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee. The purpose of this bill is to provide property tax relief to aging individuals with very low incomes. On Wednesday, he also spoke to a group of students from Granite Peaks Lifelong Learning who were visiting the Capitol.
Bill Requests: 4
Bills in the Senate:
SB 35: Circuit Breaker Amendments
SB 103: Wine Subscription Program
Senator Kathleen Riebe
Senator Riebe spent the week on the inauguration of the first Education Caucus of the Utah Legislature. The first meeting took place on Friday and included representatives from the Utah State Board of Education, among various member Legislators. In addition to this, she also had SB 21 pass committee this week, which makes various changes regarding the requirements of the Utah State Board of Education and the programs that they administer.
Bill Requests: 7
Bills in the Senate:
SB 21: Education Amendments
SB 31: Safety Inspections on Secondhand Vehicles
SB 105: Surgical Smoke Evacuation System Requirements
In the News: https://www.murrayjournal.com/2020/01/30/295855/murray-legislators-announce-bills-for-general-session