Senator Jani Iwamoto's Legislative Work
Passed Legislation 2018-2022
2022 Sponsored
SB 11 - Local Election Amendments: Described the circumstances under which, and the method by which: [1] A municipal, legislative body may cancel a local election or race in a local election; and [2] A local district board may cancel a local election or race. Previously, the statute was silent on cancellation of uncontested races, including at-large (clarified if there 3 at-large seats and 3 candidates, those races can be cancelled) seats. This bill clarified cancellation of one, multiple or all.
SB 28 - Office of American Indian-Alaska Native Health and Family Services: Codifies and moves an existing Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) position, and also moved the American Indian-Alaska Native Health Office (which was created and funded from my legislation SB 22 from the 2020 General Session) and the American Indian-Alaska Native Health Liaison, to the future Office of American Indian-Alaska Native Alaska Affairs. This will help protect the well-being of Indian Tribal children and families by upholding family integrity, stability, and health within their community.
SB 50 - Criminal Code Evaluation Task Force Sunset Extension: Extended the Criminal Code Evaluation Task Force and reviewed the Utah criminal code to ensure the proper classification of crimes by degree for a standardized format of criminal statutes.
SB 53 - Driver Speeding Amendments: This bill addresses several traffic offenses: 1) Clarified that driving with willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others can include driving faster than 105 miles per hour; 2) Addressed speeding, and increased the standard fine for speeding when the driver is driving faster than 100 miles per hour; 3) Increased the penalty for speed racing from a class B misdemeanor to class A misdemeanor; and 4 )Allowed for the seizure of a vehicle that is not street-legal that is engaged with a speed race or exhibition of speed on a highway.
SB 58 - Day of Remembrance Observing the Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II: Designated an annual Day of Remembrance on February 19th observing the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.
SB 73 - Flow Rates or Quantity for Plumbing Fixtures: Decreased the maximum flow rate or quantity for toilets, urinals, sink faucets (not kitchen), and shower heads for new construction and remodels. With explosive growth, greater demand for water, and a severe drought, it is imperative we find ways to decrease water waste. (Ultimately, the substance of SB 73 was incorporated into HB 39)
SB 81 - Affordable Housing Tax Amendments: Modified provisions related to the assessment of real property subject to a low-income housing covenant by: Prescribing a valuation method for determining the fair market value of real property subject to a low-income housing covenant; and requiring a county assessor to send a form approved by the State Tax Commission to each owner of real property subject to a low-income housing covenant.
SB 87 - Court Fee Waiver Amendments: Changed provisions relating to the waiver of court fees by: Amending provisions regarding an affidavit of indigency; Defining the term, “indigent”; Allowing court fees, costs, or security to be waived for indigent individuals; and Requiring a court to find an individual indigent under certain circumstances.
SB 89 - Water Amendments: Addressed information related to water conservation and water rates by: Modifying provisions related to a water conservation plan; Requiring certain retail water providers to complete a study of the retail water providers’ culinary water rate structure; and Requiring certain information to be submitted to the Division of Water Resources.
SB 96 - Correctional Officer Eligibility Amendments: Removed the prohibition/restrictions for 19-year-olds to work as correctional officers for the Department of Corrections and took off the pilot of county jails (5-year extension to 2027).
SB 126 - Officer Intervention and Reporting Requirements: Created minimum standards for police misconduct; Set standards for intervention and reporting requirements in law enforcement agencies; Required the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council to establish and review minimum standards for reporting police misconduct; and Prohibited retaliatory action against a law enforcement agency employee who reports police misconduct.
SCR 6 - Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Support for Internationally Adopted Individuals: Encouraged the United States Congress and the President of the United States to support efforts related to legally adopted internationally born individuals and encourages our state's support for adopted children in accessing adoption resources.
2022 Floor Sponsored
HB 21 - School and Child Care Center Water Testing Requirements: Directed the Division of Drinking Water within the Department of Environmental Quality to contract with certified labs to test water samples for schools and childcare centers throughout the state for lead. Funding was also provided through the bill of bills for the testing and replacement of faucets.
HB 30 - Student Tribal Regalia Use Amendments: Allowed Native American students to wear tribal regalia at their high school graduation ceremonies. Previously, some schools would not allow these students to wear these culturally important items. This bill simply outlines that a local education agency cannot bar an indigenous student from wearing tribal regalia at graduation.
HB 40 - Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission Amendments: Changed how our Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission (JPEC) provides an evaluation of a judge’s performance. Instead of recommending for retention or no retention in the voter information pamphlet, JPEC would now analyze a judge's performance and indicate whether they meet minimum standards. Other states with a similar judicial retention approach have found this change to be beneficial.
HB 166 - Water Facility Amendments: Addressed the problem of illegal water contamination by clearly defining whether or not there is lawful authority to connect to a water source and also gave individuals the right to sue and ask for reasonable attorney fees if they prevail in court for civil actions.
HB 228 - Crime Victim Reparations Amendments: Expanded eligibility for reparations for victims of sexual assault or strangulation if they seek assistance form an advocacy service provider and the provider helps to complete a questionnaire. Additionally, if a victim suffered strangulation, they are eligible for reparations if the victim reports to law enforcement OR seeks medical care immediately after.
HB 250 - Environmental Quality Revenue Amendments: This bill concerned fees collected during the X-Ray and Radioactive Materials program by the Department of Environmental Quality. The bill would allow programs to operate on their earned revenues, reducing their dependence on the general fund.
2021 Co-Sponsored
SCR 9 - Concurrent Resolution Honoring the Life and Achievements of Helen Foster Snow: Celebrated the life and achievements of Helen Foster Snow, recognizing her life in the United States and China and the work created when she served as a war correspondent in China.
2021 Sponsored
SB 10 - Place Name Amendments: Authorized the Utah Division of Indian Affairs to help facilitate the process of changing the names of geographical locations referring to American Indians.
SB 13 - Law Enforcement Internal Investigation Requirements: Required an employing law enforcement agency or training academy to provide information to a prospective employer upon request.
SB 20 - Air Quality Advisory Board Amendments: Extended the sunset date of the Air Quality Policy and Advisory Board and added members with technical expertise.
SB 30 - Utah Commission on Aging Amendments: Extended the sunset date and modified the duties and membership for this important commission which has done commendable work to inform Utahns and policymakers on aging.
SB 64 - Domestic Violence Amendments: Increased the penalties for repeat perpetrators of domestic violence by elevating it to a third-degree felony for someone who commits domestic violence when they have two previous convictions within the previous 10 years.
SB 83 - POLST Order Amendments: Allowed for electronic signatures on a POLST order; and, in extenuating circumstances, allowed a verbal confirmation.
SB 96 - Legislative Water Development Commission Amendments: Modified the quorum requirements to rely on joint legislative rules and addresses sunset date provisions related to the Legislative Water Development Commission.
SB 152 - Vehicle Loads Penalties Amendments: Removed the time limitations when a second vehicle load offense will trigger an increased fee penalty imposition.
SB 163 - Campus Safety Amendments: Made additions to campus safety policies, including data disaggregation on crimes, so students can make informed decisions about housing, both on and off campus.
SB 196 - Law Enforcement Agency Disclosure Requirements: Provided a careful balance to allow for proper information to be given from a former employer to a prospective employer, so that good players stay in the system, and bad players leave the system. It also ensured community trust.
2021 Floor Sponsored
HB 170 - Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice Requirements: In 2020, the Utah Legislature asked agencies to stop sending vehicle registration renewal reminders via postcard to Utah vehicle users in an effort to save money. As a result, vehicle registration renewal reminders were exclusively sent online. Many Utahns who lacked access to the internet or were less familiar with web navigation missed the notifications and failed to renew their registration, leading to a great deal of confusion and stress for our constituents. HB 170 addressed this problem by requiring the Motor Vehicle Division to provide a vehicle owner the option to receive notification through mail or email to inform the owner of the expiration of a vehicle's registration.
HB 59 - Intimate Image Distribution Prohibition Revisions: HB 59 began as a response to the situation in which Officer Deras at the University of Utah Police Department allegedly mishandled intimate images of Lauren McCluskey, showing them to other officers who were not involved in the investigation. This bill provided criminal penalties for any individual to duplicate, share, copy, or display an intimate image during a criminal action. As a result, when a victim reports a case that has sensitive information and images, they will know that those are being treated carefully and respectfully.
HB 259 - Lead Exposure Education and Testing Amendments: Encouraged pediatric healthcare providers to include a lead test in accordance with the Health Department's recommendations under this bill, and consider screening or testing during the first year or second year well-child clinic visits. It also required the Department of Health to seek grant funding to fund the program created in this legislation.
HB 305 - Quality Growth Act: Directed the Quality Growth Commission to prioritize Working Agricultural Lands when establishing conservation easements. The commission is tasked with making recommendations to the legislature on how to define and establish guidelines for quality growth areas, as well as to advise the legislature on growth management issues. The commission shall conduct a yearly review and present to the Political Subdivisions Interim Committee. The commission may make rules and designate a nationally recognized entity to act as a land trust entity. The money in the program shall be used for preserving or restoring open land and agricultural land. Money from the program may not be used to purchase a fee interest in real property in order to preserve open land or agricultural land, but may be used to establish a conservation easement or to fund similar methods to preserve open land or agricultural land.
HB 46 - Student Prosperity Savings Program Amendments: Repeals the corporate income tax deduction and the individual income tax credit for a donation to the Student Prosperity Savings Program, and eliminated a record retention requirement. Since the 2017 session and beginning of the Student Prosperity Savings Program, there has not, unfortunately, been any deposits. Despite the program not being used, people have confused this with other programs. This has caused extra work for the tax commission and audits. This bill resolved these problems.
HB 374 - Restrictive Covenants Amendments: In the past, some home subdivision developers would put in their covenants for the subdivision that you could not have certain people of color or ethnic groups in an area or subdivision. This bill prohibited the enforcement of a restrictive covenant in a previously recorded written instrument relating to real property; allowed a property owner to record a modification document declaring a restrictive covenant void; allowed a condominium or community association to amend the association's governing documents to remove a discriminatory restrictive covenant; and prevented a county recorder from charging a fee for recording a modification document.
2021 Co-Sponsored
SB 225 – Navajo Water Rights Negotiation: Addresses the process to finalize negotiations of Navajo water rights.
SJR 14 – Joint Resolution on Settlement of Federal Reserved Water Right Claims: Ratified a settlement of certain federal reserved water right claims and approved the financial settlement subject to specified conditions.
SB 195 – Emergency Response Amendments: Amended provisions related to emergency powers and public health.
2020 Sponsored
SB 13 – Native American Legislation Liaison Committee Amendments: Increased the number of members on the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee from 8 to 11 and removed the sunset date on the committee.
SB 14 – Tribal Leaders Description Amendments: Amended the tribal leaders with which the Division of Indian Affairs is to coordinate meetings.
SB 22 – American Indian-Alaska Native Related Amendments: Funded an office of American Indian-Alaska Native health issues to increase office capacity and improve health outcomes.
SB 26 – Water Banking Amendments: Established a state water banking program which will benefit both farmers and our environment in Utah through helping to conserve water.
SB 47 – Domestic Violence Amendments: Provided that signatures on a voter registration record, a political petition, a request to withdraw a signature from a political petition, and other documents relating to elections are protected records.
SB 48 – Corrections Officer Certification Pilot Extension Program: Extended the sunset date for the program to allow 19-year-olds to become correctional officers until 2027, which relieves strain on jail staff.
SB 80 – Campus Safety Amendments: Initiated a study group to examine issues related to campus safety and made recommendations for future action. SCR 2 – Concurrent Resolution Honoring Michael R Styler: Resolution honoring Utah DNR Director Michael Styler.
SCR 3 – Concurrent Resolution Wataru Misaka: Celebrated the life of Wataru "Wat" Misaka, who was the first person of color to play in the NBA and starred at the University of Utah.
SJR 1 – Joint Resolution Supporting Coordination of Care for Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care Services: Supported the Utah Falls Prevention Alliance's work to build an electronic Home Health Hub within the Clinical Health Information Exchange (CHIE).
SJR 2 – Joint Resolution Encouraging Action to Reduce the Number of Utah Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels: Encouraged medical providers who care for children, pregnant women, and women of child-bearing age, to become familiar with the recommended federal and state guidelines for lead exposure.
SJR 6 – Joint Rules Resolution Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Modified legislative rules governing conflict of interest disclosure to reflect prior statutory changes to the disclosure process.
2020 Floor Sponsored
HB 13 - Children's Hearing Aid Program Amendments: Addressed the Children's Hearing Aid Program and extended the repeal date for this program. Funding has been ongoing; the program has been successful since its inception in 2013 and in 2015 began as its own program. This program covers the costs associated with the purchase and fitting of one hearing aid per ear (if needed), the cost of earmolds for three years, and the first three years of hearing aid visits with a pediatric audiologist.
HB 105 - Water Facilities Amendments: Water facilities can be pipelines, sewer systems, canals, or anything that conveys water back and forth in the public sector. A lot of public water is controlled by private companies, and these private companies may not always have the ability to sanction people who damage or destroy these facilities. This bill defined what a water facility is and establishes that if a person maliciously tampers with these facilities, they can be prosecuted.
HB 130 - Water Use Amendments: Utah is the second driest state in the nation and one of the fastest growing. This bill is a companion piece to water banking. The bill allowed split season leases, which allows a water right to be used for multiple purposes within a single calendar year, as long as the water right is not expanded. This is an innovation that is widely practiced throughout the West, including Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming. As with water banking, split season leasing supports agriculture and is used to avoid "buy and dry" transfers which can devastate communities.
HB 309 - World War II Memorial Commission: Extended the sunset date on the World War II Memorial Commission by two years, to give the commission more time to work on the memorial.
HB 346 - Recreational Activity Risks Amendments: Provides that scooter riding is a recreational activity for the purpose of a claim that is brought for a personal injury or property damage resulting from the inherent risks of a recreational activity.
HCR 6 - Concurrent Resolution Recognizing Luann Adams for Her Service as Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food: Luann Adams was the first woman to serve as the Utah Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture of Food (UDAF), and was a great consensus builder and leader. She was beloved by her department. Her motto was "ride for the brand," which meant hard work; doing your best; serving with strength, commitment, excellence, loyalty, teamwork; and following the rules and regulations set by the State and UDAF.
HCR 10 - Concurrent Resolution Honoring the Career and Service of Pastor France A. Davis: Honored Reverend France Davis, Pastor Emeritus, who retired after 45 years as a Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Davis is a civil rights icon and community leader who has left and continues to leave an indelible mark on our community and state. Pastor Davis has served on the Salt Lake Community College Board of Trustees in 2007; he was the first African American member of the Utah Board of Regents; and he served on the Utah Board of Corrections for a decade where he worked to reduce racial profiling by the law enforcement agencies.
HJR 4 - Joint Resolution Establishing K9 Veterans Day: I was honored to be the Senate sponsor on this bill to recognize these K9 veterans. I previously sponsored SB 57 Police Service Animal Amendments to increase the penalties for killing our K9 police officers.
2020 Co-Sponsored
SB 37 – Electronic Cigarette and Other Nicotine Product Amendments: Increased the minimum age for obtaining, possessing, using, providing, or furnishing of tobacco products, paraphernalia, and under certain circumstances, electronic cigarettes and nicotine products to 21 years old, amongst other things.
SB 124 – American Indian and Alaskan Native Education Amendments: Replaced two pilot programs with an ongoing program administered by the State Board of Education consisting of a grant program to school districts and charter schools to be used to fund stipends, recruitment, retention, and professional development of teachers who teach in American Indian and Alaskan Native concentrated school.
2019 Sponsored
SCR 2 – Concurrent Resolution Recognizing Navajo Code Talkers: Honored the Navajo Code Talkers who bravely served the nation during WWII.
SJR 1 – Joint Resolution Supporting the Study of Water Banking in Utah: Supported the study of water banking, a practice of leasing water rights to help conserve water.
SB 61 – Poll Hours for Early Voting: Removed the poll hour closing requirement on the last day of early voting to allow clerks the flexibility to have early polling locations open after 5 pm, as is available on other early voting days.
SB 62 – Campaign Finance Revisions: Amended laws related to campaign finance and financial disclosures of candidates and officeholders. It allowed for more consistency and understandability.
SB 65 – Utah Noxious Weed Act Amendments: Amended the Noxious Weed Act regarding membership on county weed control board.
SB 81 – Native American Remains Amendments: Related to the important process for the repatriation of Native American remains.
SB 88 – Crime Victims Restitution Amendments: Modified restitution criteria that a judge considers, including expenses for security measures put in place by a victim in response to a criminal offense.
SB 89 – Conflict Disclosure Amendments: Amended provisions relating to disclosures of potential conflicts of interest by state elected officials by requiring the Lieutenant Governor to establish a website to house conflict of interest information.
SB 101 – Navajo Code Talker Recognition: Recognized Navajo Code Talker Day every year and names SR 162, SR 163, and SR 191 in San Juan County as Navajo Code Talker Highway.
SB 134 – Campus Safety Amendments: Enacted provisions related to campus safety plans and training at intuitions of higher education.
SB 162 – Corrections Officer Certification Amendments: Allowed an individual to be employed at 19 years old, with determined limitations, as a correctional officer in a jail (not prison) facility.
2019 Floor Sponsored
HB 175 - Transportation of Veterans to Memorials Support Special Group License Plate: Created a support special group license plate to support programs to transport veterans to Washington D.C. to visit veterans memorials.
HB 212 - Expungement Changes: Prohibited public employer inquiry into an applicant's expunged criminal history (except in certain circumstances) and permitted an applicant to answer a question related to an expunged criminal record as though the action underlying the expunged criminal record never occurred (except in certain circumstances).
HB 360 - School Water Testing Requirements: Created requirements to test every public and private school for lead content and provides for remediation.
2018 Sponsored
SB 46 – Adjustment of Limits on Damages: Modified a provision relating to the adjustment of limits on damages against governmental entities.
SB 57 – Police Service Animal Amendments: Provided increased penalty for intentionally or knowingly killing a canine police animal.
SB 199 – Utah Protection of Public Employees Act Amendments: Amended provisions of the Utah Protection of Public Employees Act, eliminating confusion regarding compliance, and supporting a more transparent and objective process, particularly as it relates to our higher education system.
SCR 6 – Concurrent Resolution Recognizing Utah Honor Flight Program: Recognized the Utah Honor Flight Program for sponsoring trips that allow Utah veterans to experience their war memorials in our Nation's Capitol.
SCR 7 – Concurrent Resolution Honoring Firefighters and Fire Prevention Efforts: Expressed gratitude to those working to prevent and reduce unwanted fires.
SCR 10 – Concurrent Resolution on the Topaz Internment Camp: Recognized the achievement of establishing the Topaz Museum and Education Center to preserve the Topaz Relocation Center site and educate the public about Japanese American internment history, as well as recognized the Topaz Museum Board (past and present), and founder and visionary Jane Beckwith.
SJR 1 – Joint Resolution Recognizing Educators of the Deaf and American Sign Language Instructors: Recognized the efforts of educators of the Deaf, and American Sign Language instructors, and highlights the contributions of American Sign Language to the culture of the state.
SJR 5 – Joint Resolution Recognizing Fall Prevention Efforts and Designating Fall Prevention Awareness Day: Recognized the efforts of the fall-related injury prevention working group, and recognizes September 22, 2018, as Fall Prevention Awareness Day.
SJR 6 – Joint Resolution Encouraging the Reduction of Pediatric Deaths from Injury and Illness: Highlighted the impact of pediatric deaths and injuries on the state of Utah and encourages the Department of Health to establish a pediatric quality improvement program, aka Pediatric Trauma Quality Assurance Network.
2018 Floor Sponsored
H.B. 38 Fireworks Restrictions: Amended and clarified the dates on which a person may legally discharge fireworks. Also increased the criminal fine for discharging fireworks outside of permitted dates and times, clarified when a municipality may prohibit a person from discharging fireworks, increased the areas within which a municipality or the state forester may prohibit the discharge of fireworks, required retailers that sell fireworks to display: maps a county provides indicating areas within the county in which fireworks are prohibited due to hazardous environmental conditions; and signs regarding permissible discharge dates and times and certain criminal penalties.
HB 180 Art Collection Committee Amendments: Clarified the name of the Utah State Alice Art Collection, as the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection.
H.C.R. 3 Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the University of Utah's John R. Park Debate Society: Recognized the exemplary accomplishments of the University of Utah's John R. Park Debate Society, including receiving the 2016-17 season-long national championship awarded by the National Parliamentary Debate Association.
2018 Co-sponsored
SB 135 – Insurance Contracts Amendments: Prohibited discretionary clauses in certain insurance contracts.
SCR 11 – Concurrent Resolution on Awareness and Treatment of Maternal Depression and Anxiety: Raised awareness about maternal depression and anxiety and encouraged the state to take action to address this serious public health issue.
Funded Requests for Appropriation 2018-2022
Celebrating Peoples of Utah: The Peoples of Utah represents the Division of State History's flagship initiative for America250, which in 2026 will commemorate the year 1776, when our nation articulated its highest ideals of liberty and equality for all. In this place, people from all over the world have made their homes and helped to create the vibrant culture and strong economy of Utah today. The Peoples of Utah will fund new historical research, collections, and create accessible public-facing materials on the communities that together make up Utah. This also will build upon the amazing work of Helen Papanikolas, who wrote the Peoples of Utah in 1976.
$25,000 Ongoing $350,000 One-time
Long-Term Services and Supports Study: This study would require the Department of Human Services to conduct a study on long-term services and supports for individuals with a disability in the state. Given identified demographic realities and resource challenges, the study will use what is known about individuals receiving and waiting for long-term services and supports to project the growth in these populations, as well as changes in their needs over the next three, five, and 10 years.
$200,000 One-time
Utah Association of Conservation Districts Soil Health Project: Soil health is considered a significant issue to positively affect water quality, water quantity, and climate change, as well as be an economic benefit to farmers. This funding would help UACD complete a soil health project in Utah, in conjunction with federal funds already received.
$500,000 One-time
Earthquake Early Warning Study: EEW systems provide an alert prior to a major earthquake and can be used to automatically shut down industrial and other facilities, various water and other utility systems to limit damage, trains and subways, rotating machinery susceptible to vibrations, and other equipment, along with providing an alert to the public to take appropriate shelter.
$150,000 One-time
Health Equity Data: This Request for Appropriations was used to collect, analyze, and produce health disparities and health equity reports. Because of its staff experience on health disparities, health equity, and public health, the Utah Department of Health Office of Health Disparities is uniquely positioned to collect this data.
$100,000 Ongoing $150,000 One-time
Coordination of Care for Older Adults Receiving Health Care Services: As Utahns age, falls increase and strain our healthcare agencies. The current system for communication from home health care services for older adults and their primary care physicians is paper based, leading to inefficiencies. Timely communication is essential for reducing post-hospital stay complications and ensuring smooth transitions and care. This RFA established a one-time grant for Medicaid and Medicare services to fund an electric home health hub that enables primary care providers to process home health orders more efficiently.
$55,000 One-time
Study of Water Banking in Utah: Companion RFA to my bill SJR 1 to leverage up to $400,000 for a Water Smart Grant, and to prepare for future legislation and pilot programs
$400,000 One-time
Naturalization for New Americans: Naturalization is a way for immigrants to be fully integrated into a community. Citizenship provides benefits to immigrants and the community, at large. Over 45,000 legal, permanent residents are eligible for naturalization. This investment helps New Americans overcome barriers to fulfill their dream of becoming U.S. Citizens and maximizing their contribution to our economy and society.
$100,000 One‐time
University of Utah Reading Clinic Distance Lab: The University of Utah Reading Clinic was created by the 1999 Utah Legislature to provide specific "direct services" to Utah educators and parents. This present appropriation request was for The Distance Lab at the Reading Clinic which needs additional funding to hire more reading specialists/tutors to meet the high demand for services in rural areas and for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind.
$285,000 Ongoing, $50,000 One-time
Pediatric Trauma and Quality Improvement Network: Trauma is the leading cause of death for people in the US between ages 1 and 45. In Utah, there is only one level 1 designated trauma center for children at Primary Children’s Hospital. Many children are transferred to PCH unnecessarily. This appropriation request aims to establish a quality improvement network to ensure better regionalization, coordination, and accountability between Primary Children’s and other hospitals to improve health outcomes and cut down on cost.
$250,000 Ongoing